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Mendapatkan Backlink Dengan Mudah

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Wednesday, June 27, 2012 | 10:10 AM

Cara Cepat Menaikkan Pagerank adalah dengan copy paste artikel ini dari atas sampai bawah. Tapi sebelum itu bacalah dulu pesan-pesan dibawah ini.

Silahkan pelajari dengan baik lalu anda terapkan dengan benar…. Ada kata bijak yang mengatakan "Honesty is The Best Policy (Kejujuran adalah politik/strategi terbaik)", mari kita buktikan….apakah konsep kejujuran disini dapat kita gunakan untuk menghasilkan traffic dan popularity yang sangat hebat dari sebuah metode rumit para expert webmaster atau pakar SEO..? Saya percaya kita bisa asal metode ini anda terapkan dengan benar…apabila ini di aplikasikan pada web/blog anda sesuai ketentuan maka:
  • Blog anda akan kebanjiran traffic pengunjung secara luar biasa hari demi hari, tanpa anda harus repot-repot memikirkan SEO atau capek-capek melakukan promosi keberbagai tempat di dunia online.
  • Blog anda juga akan kebanjiran backlink secara signifikan hari demi hari, tanpa perlu repot-repot berburu link keberbagai tempat di dunia internet.
Hal yang harus anda lakukan adalah ikuti langkah-langkah berikut :
  1. Buatlah postingan artikel seperti posting saya ini, atau copy-paste artikel ini. Lalu beri Judul sesuka anda (karena itu merupakan SEO buat web/blog anda sendiri).
  2. Anda cukup hanya meletakkan Link-Link di bawah ini pada artikel anda tersebut pada blog/web anda.

    1. viruses
    2. healthy heart
    3. Mate of God
    4. Domestic problems
    5. Racing Sport
    6. Dani Pedrosa
    7. Promo Tour
    8. Travel Safe
    9. Healthy Food
    10. Healthy Skin

    1. Sebelum anda meletakkan Link-Link tersebut ditas ke dalam postingan web/blog anda, harap hapus Link nomor 1 , Sehingga link no 1 hilang dari daftar link dan setiap link anda naikkan 1 level ke atas. Yang tadinya no 2 naik menjadi no 1, yang tadinya no 3 menjadi no 2, yang tadinya no 4 menjadi no 3 dan begitu seterusnya. Setelah itu masukkan Link anda pada urutan Paling bawah ( no 15 ).
    2. Ingat!!! Jangan Merubah Urutan daftar link.. Buktikan kejujuran anda.. Karena ini demi keuntungan bersama, kita sesama blogger 
    3. Apabila setiap blogger yang ikut dalam metode ini berhasil di duplikasi ole hblogger lain yang akan bergabung, andaikan 5 blogger yang bergabung maka Backlink yang anda dapat adalah Ketika:
    Posisi anda 15, jumlah backlink = 1
    Posisi 14, jumlah backlink = 5
    Posisi 13, jumlah backlink = 25
    Posisi 12, jumlah backlink = 125
    Posisi 11, jumlah backlink = 625
    Posisi 10, jumlah backlink = 3.125
    Posisi 9, jumlah backlink = 15.625
    Posisi 8, jumlah backlink = 78.125
    Posisi 7, jumlah backlink = 390.625
    Posisi 6, jumlah backlink = 1.953.125
    Posisi 5, jumlah backlink = 9.765.625
    Posisi 4, jumlah backlink = 48.828.125
    Posisi 3, jumlah backlink = 244.140.625
    Posisi 2, jumlah backlink = 1.220.703.125
    Posisi 1, jumlah backlink = 6.103.515.625
    Dan semua Dari kata kunci yang anda inginkan, bayangkan jika ini bisa berjalan dengan sempurna maka anda akan memperoleh 6.103.515.625 external link yang berasal dari berbagai blog yang anda tidak akan pernah bayangkan sebelumnya. Belum lagi apabila ada pengunjung blog anda dari Link List tersebut diatas maka otomatis anda akan memperoleh traffic ke web/blog anda juga. Ingat!!! Aturuan mainnya, Anda harus memulai dari urutan paling bawah (no 15) sehingga hasil backlink anda bisa Maksimal. Jangan salahkan saya apabila anda tidak mengikuti metode ini dengan benar dan Link anda tiba-tiba berada pada urutan no 1 dan menghilang pada Link daftar. Jadi mulai lah pada urutan paling bawah(no 15). Bisakah Anda melakukan tindakan tidak fair atau tidak jujur dengan menyabotase metode ini, misalkan saja "menghilangkan semua link asal" lalu di isi dengan link web/blog anda sendiri…? ….Bisa, dan metode ini menjadi tidak maksimal. Kejujuran adalah strategi/politik terbaik…..Tapi saya yakin bahwa kita semua tak ingin menjatuhkan kredibilitas diri sendiri dengan melakukan tindakan murahan seperti itu… —- SELESAI —-
    Semoga metode ini bisa berjalan sesuai harapan kita bersama. . . ! ! !
    Cara Cepat Menaikkan Pagerank mudah bukan? Beri tahu kepada kawan2 blogger yang lain agar pagerank anda naik, naik, dan terus naik.. << Kebenaran selalu ada satu
    10:10 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

    Anak Alergi Terhadap Makanan

    Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Monday, March 26, 2012 | 11:34 PM

    Anak Alergi Terhadap Makanan Joshua, anak laki-laki berusia 9 tahun ini memiliki alergi yang tak biasa. Para dokter menyebut, bahwa Joshua menderita penyakit yang disebut esofagitis eosinofilik, alergi terhadap hampir semua makanan.

    Tak terkecuali, pizza, hot dog, dan apapun jenis makanan bisa membuatnya mengalami alergi. Joshua mungkin tidak memakannya, ia bahkan tak diizinkan untuk mencicipi sedikitpun atau bahkan menciumnya. Reaksi alergi bisa timbul jika aromanya tercium.

    Karena sakit yang dideritanya, Joshua hanya mendapatkan makanan, sebagian besar melalui nutrisi lewat makanan formula yang diresepkan oleh dokternya. Ia juga harus menikmati makanan hanya melalui selang makanan di perutnya.

    Seperti dikutip laman Shine, setiap hari, Joshua hanya belajar di rumah ditemani ibunya. Karena penyakitnya, ia  juga harus menjalani segala aktivitas dengan ekstra hati-hati.

    Cara dan Brant, orangtua Joshua, menyatakan, setiap hari adalah hal yang menakutkan baginya karena harus selalu memantau makanan putranya.

    Apa yang akan terjadi jika Joshua mengkonsumsi salah satu makanan yang bisa membuatnya alergi?  Ia bisa menderita sakit parah, bahkan, bisa juga membuatnya mati mendadak.

    "Tidak ada satu menit yang berlalu tanpa kekhawatiran, setiap hari aku selalu takut," kata Cara.
    11:34 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

    Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesi

    Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Friday, March 16, 2012 | 5:06 AM

    Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia  Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia merupakan promosi Yang dilakukan Oleh Minimarket Lokal Terbesar dan Minimarket Pertama Terbaik Indonesia guna untuk menarik Simpati dan Perhatian lebih dari masyarakat untuk menjadi Member Alfamart dan khususnya pecinta Informasi internet dengan menyelenggarakan Promo Indonesia Kontes SEO Alfamart 2012.

    Bagi anda yang suka berbelanja tentunya tidak asing lagi dengan minimarket yang satu ini. Sebagai Minimarket Pertama yang memiliki member terbanyak di Indonesia Alfamart memberikan banyak inovasi untuk memanjakan membernya. Salah satunya adalah dengan konsisten 2 minggu sekali  memberikan Promo khusus untuk member-membernya baik untuk berbelanja di Alfamart atau pun di merchant-merchant yang banyak bekerja sama dengan Alfamart untuk memberikan potongan harga atau harga spesial.

    Alfamart Minimarket Pertama yang memiliki member terbanyak di Indonesia Alfamart Memberikan Motivasi dan Inspirasi serta Inovasi untuk memanjakan membernya. Salah satunya adalah dengan konsisten 2 minggu sekali  memberikan Promo Indonesia khusus untuk Member Alfamart baik untuk berbelanja di Alfamart Minimarket atau pun di merchant-merchant yang banyak bekerja sama dengan Alfamart Minimarket untuk memberikan potongan harga atau harga spesial.

    Member Alfamart Adalah sebutan untuk para pelanggan setia Alfamart.Para member Alfamart akan mendapatkan berbagai macam keuntungan dan kejutan special dari Alfamart seperti: HematKu, Kalender Belanja, Specialku dan Hadiahku,serta program ekslusif lainnya. Member Alfamart adalah pelanggan yang memiliki dan bergabung dalam keanggotaan Kartu AKU, A Card Flazz atau Kartu AKU BNI Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia

    KARTU AKU Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia

        Kartu Aku

    Adalah kartu member yang pertama kali diluncurkan Alfamart pada tahun 2005. Dengan Kartu AKU, Member akan dapat memperoleh manfaat dan berbagai macam keuntungan serta Promo Indonesia menarik yang tidak dapat diikuti oleh pelanggan lain yang bukan merupakan member Kartu AKU. Kartu AKU berlaku Nasional di Alfamart seluruhIndonesia.

    A CARD FINAL Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia
        A Card Flazz

    Adalah Kartu Member Alfamart yang di luncurkan pada 15 Mei 2010 bekerja sama dengan Flazz BCA, yang selain berfungsi sebagai kartu member juga dapat digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran/transaksi karena A Card Flazz merupakan Kartu Prepaid (kartu non rekening yang dapat menyimpan uang untuk keperluan berbagai transaksi).

    A Card Flazz dapat digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran tidak hanya diseluruh outlet Alfamart, Alfamidi ataupun Alfaexpress tetapi juga diseluruh merchant Flazz antara lain restoran, salon, toko buku, parkir, bioskop dan masih banyak lagi. Untuk sementara ini, A Card Flazz berlaku di Jabodetabek,Surabaya

    KARTU AKU BNI Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia
        Kartu Aku BNI

    Merupakan salah satu Kartu Member Alfamart yang di luncurkan pada 1 Januari 2010, merupakan kerjasama antara Alfamart dengan Bank BNI. Kartu AKU BNI merupakan kartu multifungsional, yang selain berfungsi sebagai kartu member, juga berfungsi sebagai alat pembayaran. Pengguna Kartu AKU BNI juga akan mendapatkan berbagai keuntungan dan kejutan spesial dari Alfamart serta tentunya dapat mengikuti program-program eksklusif khusus member di Alfamart. Untuk saat ini, Kartu AKU BNI berlaku di Alfamart Jabodetabek.
    8 Keuntungan Member Alfamart

       1. Hematku dan Kalender Belanja
       2. Spesialku dan Hadiahku
       3. Special Big Program for "Member Alfamart"
       4. Redemption For "Member Alfamart"
       5. Member Alfamart" Thematic Promo
       6. Special Treatment for "Member Alfamart" Birthday
       7. Special Event/Activities For "Member Alfamart"
       8. Merchant For "Member Alfamart"


    Demikianlah penjelasan singkat tentang  Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia Semoga dapat bermanfaat dan memberikan pengetahuan Lebih kepada masyarakat agar dapat bergabung menjadi Member Alfamart dan pastikan anda mendapakan keuntungan dan manfaat lebih dari Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia
    5:06 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

    Pesan Dari Sekuntum Mawar

    Pesan Dari Sekuntum Mawar Wanita mana yang menolak sebuket mawar tepat di hari Valentine? Tapi, tahukan Anda, ada pesan khusus yang ingin disampaikan pengirim dalam setangkai atau sebuket bunga berisi beberapa jenis mawar berwarna berbeda.

    Sebelum mengirim mawar untuk si dia atau orang-orang terkasih, Anda perlu tahu apa arti dibalik warna-warna mawar, seperti dikutip Reader Digest.

    Merah: Cinta dan Romantis

    Mawar adalah salah satu simbol paling universal untuk mengungkap cinta sejati. Sepanjang sejarah dan lintas budaya, mawar juga digunakan sebagai simbol politik dan sifat religius.

    Kuning: Persahabatan, Kebahagiaan, Cepat sembuh

    Kuning erat terkait dengan matahari, yang menjadikan mawar sangat cocok untuk membuat orang bahagia. Mawar kuning mengirim pesan penghargaan dan cinta platonis tanpa romantisme. Mawar kuning merepresentasikan perasaan gembira dan bahagia semata.

    Pink: Cinta, Syukur, Apresiasi

    Merah muda lekat dengan konotasi rasa syukur dan keanggunan serta semua hal yang manis dan romantisme. Warna yang sama juga merupakan simbol rasa syukur dan penghargaan, dan merupakan cara tradisional untuk mengucapkan terima kasih.

    Mawar pink berhubungan dengan kelembutan dan kekaguman. Juga dapat digunakan sebagai ungkapan simpati.

    Putih: Kesucian, Simpati, Spiritualitas

    Tradisi awal menggunakan mawar putih sebagai simbol cinta sejati, yang dalam perkembangan selanjutnya menjadi ciri khas mawar merah.

    Warna putih juga dikenal sebagai warna pernikahan tradisional. Dalam hal ini, putih mewakili penyatuan, kebajikan, dan kemurnian cinta. Mawar putih juga terkait dengan kehormatan dan penghormatan, bagi orang yang dicintai dan telah meninggal dunia.

    Oranye: Tertarik, Antusiasme dan Gairah

    Warna yang berasal dari campuran kuning dan merah ini dipandang sebagai jembatan persahabatan yang diwakili oleh mawar kuning dan cinta yang disimbolkan oleh mawar merah.

    Mawar oranye bisa mengekspresikan daya tarik, atau sebagai ungkapan, "Saya bangga padamu."

    Ungu: Pesona, Kesetiaan, Cinta pandangan pertama

    Warna ungu memiliki hubungan tradisional dengan kesetiaan. Nuansa mawar ungu juga menunjukkan suasana keagungan dan kemegahan. Atau bisa jadi pengirim ingin mengatakan terpesona atau jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama.
    3:08 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

    Tips Sebelum BerOlahraga

    Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Tuesday, March 6, 2012 | 4:36 AM

    Tips Sebelum BerOlahraga Olahraga memang bisa membantu menurunkan berat badan dan menyehatkan tubuh. Namun untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal dan menghindari cedera sebaiknya ada beberapa hal yang Anda hindari sebelum berolahraga.

    1. Tidak pemanasan
    Pemanasan dibutuhkan tubuh sebelum berolahraga. Melakukan peregangan otot dalam kondisi tubuh yang "dingin" bisa menyebabkan cidera karena tubuh tak siap dengan gerakan yang aktif secara tiba-tiba. Sebaiknya lakukan pemanasan selama lima menit pertama dengan melakukan latihan kardio yang ringan, atau mulailah olahraga ringan selama 10 menit pertama saat berenang atau bersepeda. Pilihan lainnya adalah dengan melakukan peregangan dinamis yang bisa meningkatkan detak jantung.

    2. Makan terlalu banyak
    Saat merasa lapar, energi akan terus berkurang. Namun ketika jadwal olahraga sudah dekat, biasanya hal ini  akan memicu Anda untuk menyantap makanan yang berlebihan. Makan terlalu banyak sebelum olahraga, dengan menu yang tak sehat pula, bisa membuat Anda mengalami kram, gerakan yang melambat, dan membuat latihan menjadi tak maksimal.

    Hal ini juga berlaku ketika Anda minum air terlalu banyak. Meskipun sangat penting untuk tetap terhidrasi selama latihan, namun jangan minum terlalu banyak karena perut bisa menjadi kembung. Makanlah dengan porsi yang tepat beberapa jam sebelum latihan.

    3. Tidak merencanakan latihan
    Ketika berolahraga, sebaiknya Anda memiliki tujuan dan strategi yang jelas. Tentukan dulu tujuan Anda untuk berolahraga, kemudian tentukan jenis olahraga yang tepat untuk mendapatkan tujuan Anda. Hal ini sebaiknya dilakukan untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal sesuai keinginan Anda. Misalnya, Anda ingin berfokus mengurangi lingkar pinggang, maka pilihlah olahraga yang akan menyasar bagian tersebut secara telak. Push up dengan mengunci perut, plank, side plank, atau bridge position dengan mengangkat satu kaki, adalah beberapa contoh gerakannya.
    4:36 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

    successful elements that build communication between generations.

    Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Friday, March 18, 2011 | 4:38 AM

    Parent child communication advice: successful elements that build communication between generations.

    Feelings can be difficult for grown adults to talk about. We often hear people say they do not have the words to discuss their feelings. It may even take years of practice for people to learn skills to express and manage their feelings. However, it is possible to learn these skills. Once we have some mastery of these skills, it is essential to share them with our children. This shall create successful elements that will facilitate communication between generations.

    Child: "Mom I want that new tot."

    Mom: "You can not have that toy."

    Child: "I need it."

    Mom: "You do not need it."

    Conversations like this one can be heard almost in every public arena where there are parents and children. This can be a hassle for both the parent and child! Upon first examination of this small conversation, one may not see the feeling content of the child or the depth the caretaker's immediate response to the child's feelings. Take a second look at the conversation. Do you notice that the child states a feeling, the feeling of need? Do you also notice that the mother contradicts the child's stated feeling by negating the feeling? "Problem - parents don't usually accept their children's feelings. Steady denial of feelings can confuse and enrage kids. It Also teaches them not to know what their feeling are-not to trust them" (Faber and Mazlish, 1980).

    What is just as interesting, is that many parents do not think that they partake in these types of conversations. Some professionals suggest that parents should take time out and analyze their conversations with their children. They should try to highlight instances where the child may be stating a feeling, and where they, the parent, are not acknowledging such feelings.

    Child: "Mom I want this new toy."

    Mom: "You can not have that toy."

    Child: "I need it."

    Mom: "You do not need it."

    Child: "I do to need it." Child starts to stamp their feet.

    Mom: "You do not need it. You already have ten like it."

    Child: "I do not. I need this one."

    Many arguments between parents and their children may in fact start with a child stating a feeling that goes unrecognizing. Some steps adults can use to talk to their children about feelings are as follows, from the book, "How To Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk," by Faber and Mazlish:

    1. Listen with full attention - this does not mean half listening, watching television, or trying to write something while your child is talking to you, it means eye contact, and paying full attention to what your child is saying. This type of attention will send the message to your child that what they have to say is important. This alone, may help your child feel listened to, and more importantly, HEARD!

    2. Acknowledge their feelings with words. When your child is talking refrain from questioning, and just acknowledge what they are saying with a word or two - "Oh, I see". "It is hard for a child to think clearly when someone is questioning, blaming, or advising." Simple words "coupled with a caring attitude, are invitations to a child to explore her own thoughts and feelings, and possibly come up with her own solutions" (Faber and Mazlish, 1980).

    3. Give the feeling a name - instead of denying the feeling. "When we urge a child to push a bad feeling away - however kindly - the child only seems to get more upset. The child who hears the words for what he is experiencing is deeply comforted. Someone has acknowledged his inner experience" (Fabre and Mazlish, 1980).

    4. Give a child his wishes in fantasy - instead of explanation and logic. "When children want something they can not have, adults usually respond with logical explanations of why they can't have it. Often the harder we explain, the harder they protest. Sometimes just having someone understand how much you want something makes reality easier to bear" (Faber and Mazlish, 1980).

    Trying these four steps when talking about feelings with your child may help to decrease arguments, and enhance communication between caretaker and child.
    4:38 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

    Tips for Parent-Child Communication

    Kids have stereotypes about adults, as adults do about teens. It is difficult to communicate through the soundproof walls of stereotypes. It is sometimes hard to hear in the noisy background of stereotypes, fixed ideas and preconceived notions.

    A recent survey on teens shows that a large majority of them want a closer relationship with their parents. They are often concerned about parental reactions and opinions and wish for better communication with their parents. Many teens say that they often don't feel comfortable talking with their parents about real problems and concerns.

    Interviewers asked teens about the reasons for not talking to parents about things that really matter to them. Some of the common answers given by teens were: "They don't really listen" and "They don't really understand so it doesn't really help." Therefore, we parents need to take the lead and meet the communication challenge. We need to do it right before they can be expected to "get it right."

    Hugging their children is the most important thing parents can do to validate them and make them feel connected. But what should parents do after they have hugged them? Listening and talking is the second key to the physical, psychological, and spiritual growth of the child. Communication, if done the right way, is another way of reaching out and touching a child.

    The American Psychological Association (APA) has lately taken an active role in helping parents communicate with their adolescent children. In this article, I will later present many of the suggestions offered by the APA. First, let's begin by asking ourselves the following two key questions:

    1. Why does my kid have a difficult time in talking with me about what's going on his/her life?

    2. How comfortable am I in initiating conversation with him/her on such sensitive (or delicate) subjects?

    If you feel that your child really doesn't listen to you, add one more question to your list and that is, "What am I doing that my child doesn't listen to me?" Even if you think that the fault lies in the child, it is better to look for an explanation in your own behavior. Whatever answers you can come up with, acknowledge them to your child. This may impress on your child that you are acting in good faith and you have credentials to back it up.

    Hear your child out. We often interrupt our children too soon. It's a basic rule of engagement. Hear your children's viewpoint even when it is difficult to hear and the impulse to correct them is difficult to resist. Let them finish speaking before you respond.

    A significant number of teens complain that their parents are "too busy," "don't have time" or "aren't there when I want to say something." Be available to your children when they are most likely to talk. Stop whatever you're doing and listen. Never postpone the conversation. When a kid has spoken, that is the right time.

    Learn about their interests such as their favorite music, movies and activities, even if you don't agree with them because they are great talking points for teens.

    Soften your reactions even if you strongly disagree or disapprove of what your children are saying. Otherwise, they may decide to never truly say what's on their mind. Kids, like adults, have a tendency to tune people out if they sound angry or defensive. Express your opinion without putting down theirs.

    We should be able to cope with not just our children but anybody whose views or beliefs differ from our own. Our values, prejudices, or beliefs may sometime make us intolerant and become such impediments that we just cannot hear the other person. Why not give our children the same courtesy we give to our clients, business partners or political rivals, that is, "to agree to disagree?" Don't argue about who is right. Instead say, "You may disagree with me but here is what I think."

    If you want to initiate a conversation, do it by sharing your own thinking about an issue rather than beginning with a question. An abrupt question often serves as a warning, "Why you asking me? What did I do?" In a conversation, focus on your children's feelings rather than on your own.

    After you hear them out, repeat what you heard them say to make sure you heard it right. Before you react one way or the other, a question such as this would be great: "How can I help you with this?" Sometime, kids want advice, other times they just want to express how they're feeling.

    The British who ruled India constantly warned the Indian freedom seekers about the awful mistakes the inexperienced Indian leaders would make if they were given the power to rule. Gandhi, the chief architect of freedom movement and father of the nation countered, "But those will be our mistakes." Kids, too, want to learn from their own choices. As long as the mistakes are not dangerous, let them.
    4:38 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

    Teach Children to Share

    Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Saturday, March 12, 2011 | 3:35 AM

    At the time of the disaster hit our country like now, everyone terketuk heart to donate, or share, to victims of disaster. Various institutions, as well as people personally, helped raise funds and materials in other forms, to assist the victims.

    But, when we return to our daily lives, still remember us to share? Are not people who lack not only appear when disaster struck right? Would not all around us were still many families who can not enjoy a decent life? Sharing also can we do to them, which the daily is still not able to meet nutritional needs, for example.

    Many other benefits that we get the habit of sharing, among other things, we are so good at socializing with other people, get a sense of security, peace, a sense of great love, and helpless. According to the research, people who enjoy sharing will also produce endorphins.

    "These hormones act to provide immunity in the body so the body recover faster after surgery, and be able to rest more optimal," said Dra Rustika Thamrin, Psi, CBA, CHT, CI, MTLT, at the same event.

    To create a habit to share, you need to teach these habits in children early. Your role as a mother is very big in the habit contagious to share. Because as a mother, you have greater emotional closeness with children. Generally, mothers also have more time with children. As a woman, you are also blessed with the ability to pour love, soft, and detail.

    "All you need do is set an example to children, because until the age of 5 years, children are an excellent imitator. When this behavior is carried out continuously, for long will become a habit, and eventually became the character," says psychologist who practiced in UB Women and Children Hospital this.

    Rustika also warned, giving not have to be material. Sharing can also be given in the form of attention, smile, time, skill, touch, hope, advice, knowledge, and so forth.
    3:35 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

    Teaching Optimism to Children

    Imitate their parents is how children learn to live life. If the parents are the type of optimistic face life, you will see his son also will like it, "said Walker, as quoted by Here are some tips to make the child more optimistic:

    Listening carefully
    The key to get a sense of trust of children is to let him say what he wants said, and you as parents have to listen without judging. According to Walker, the children have strong feelings but do not have words to express it. The story also pointed out that he is part of the learning process of their thinking. They could have said, "I hate Math!" when what they really want to say is "How can I learn mathematics better?" The task of the parent to find out what they want to say.

    Avoid labeling
    Conscious or not, children will try to meet or against all expectations of her parents. So, every time you say, "My second child is my child the most shy," and was heard by the child, then it will become a permanent identity in him. Negative labeling on children can harm children's self concept, and make parents face the things that he did not like in the child continuously.

    Re form, do not be avoided
    Teenagers want to be treated seriously and understood. To do this, parents must face the situation. For example, if the child said they did not like to go to school, it's not realistic to respond to the normative words and clichés, such as, "Do not worry, everything will be fine, really." Ask more about what bothered him and make him uncomfortable to go to school, and look for the things he liked at school. Focus on that and help him face the problems that made him reluctant to go to school. Find out also whether it results from people who bothered him (bullying).

    Seeing the bright side
    According to Walker, it is important to demonstrate to your child about the good side and bad side of every situation he faced, encourage him to look on the bright side. When your child feels sad and see the world as a very bad place to live, you can respond with words that the world needs balance and bad things can happen. Because there are bad things that he could see good things and appreciate it better.

    Optimism and hope is a very close and sometimes overlooked by parents. Though it is required by a child to wake up in the morning and try to get through another day.
    3:33 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

    These sentences Avoid When Talking with Children

    Initially we thought those words would just disappear and no effect on the child, anyway, from our own parents saying those words to us. Make no mistake, there are words that often have a major impact on the emotional and psychological child. There are some sentences that should be avoided when talking with children. Anything?

    "You should be ashamed at yourself"
    The word "shame" is a destructive emotion and often triggers a deep sense of guilt. Although each child was acting naughty, very important for them to understand why their behavior was wrong and he should understand that is normal for every human to make mistakes, and most importantly we all learned from that mistake.

    "Because Mama said so!"
    The kids respond to the rules when they see the reason behind it. Spend a few seconds to help them understand why, so they can see you as authority figures who deserve to be respected rather than as a dictator.

    "Mama baseball cares what you want!"
    Sometimes, when there are more than 1 child you have to satisfy, it is difficult to be able to give them all what they want. Sometimes, when they whine at the same time asking for different things, unconsciously, many people say these words to his son. However, it can imprint on the minds of children, because they will think that you do not care about their needs, and the impact they can not respect you. Remember, dealing with their emotions do not mean give up and meet their demand.

    "Auntie asked for kiss, dong!"
    You will not want to kiss other people automatically when someone said that they ask for your kiss, right? So did the kids. Respect their personal territory and give control over who can get their affections.

    "Why do baseball could be like ..."
    Comparing children with other children, whether siblings or classmates together means you instill in them the seeds of damage. Feeling weak and not well could trigger a child who will "explode" at a time and dissension among brothers. Rather than make them feel inferior compared to the advantages of others, he will praise the good things that he can, offer assistance in areas where they lack control.

    "Wait till Papa / Mama comes home!"
    Not only this will give the impression that that said it was the parents who fear their children, but also shows that you have no control over the situation. Saying this means underestimate your authority and eventually make the child think and ask ourselves, why do they hear you from the beginning?

    "You're the greatest!"
    Ironic indeed, not all the positive words that have a positive impact. Of course your child is the best, but too many non-specific praise will make it so it is not meaningful. Make praise specific.

    "I do not fear. Nah see why, really!"
    The ability of a child to feel safe and communicating feelings is very important for growth. Although you think this is sweet and good attitude, but actually such words implies that their emotions are not true. Listen and face their fears rather than belittle and make them ignore their feelings.

    "You're so naughty!"
    It is a very bad thing to label a child as "naughty / naughty / naughty", because they will think it is their identity and trying to justify you. Try to show your dislike for the attitude that no good will, not his son.

    "Hurry, please! Mama live, Yes!"
    Embedding issues that you would leave it is not recommended. Children do not know if you are really going to leave or not. Although actually you just kidding or terrify, aka an empty threat. Be patient waiting for him and realize the children very easily distracted mind, and find other ways to speed up preparations to move.
    3:32 AM | 0 komentar | Read More
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